Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Dear CEO - I will tell the whole world about you. You don't scare me anymore.

Dear CEO, 

I will resign from your company, just as those awesome TV reporters resigned from AlJazeera, when they knew how truly sucky it is, and how everything is "fabricated" by even bigger assholes. They call them editors, I think. They're not really editors. They are, well, assholes, so are you. Here's my resignation letter. 

Please read in the following order. I'm not afraid of this CEO, I will mention his name, later on, just read, this is very real I promise you. It is very real to me at the very least.

You're not really a good CEO. Let me tell you why. I'm writing this blog post because I think you suck. So, that's all cool, as long as I used the word "think", this basically means I'm stating my opinion, on a free internet, so, fuck off, because you suck anyway. You are a scared CEO, and as all rather successful CEOS know, they should not fear anything, well, except being a sucky, douchy, CEO.

I've been a member of your company, for quite sometime now, I was employed by my previous employers, a recruitment company, that saw my skills as much needed in your establishment. 

During my stay in your company, despite how tightly-monitored and how obviously strict it is, I became to know your employees. Your employees, the direct ones, could be assholes too. Because, I don't think that your board is telling you everything, because, they too, are afraid, of you, because you made them think so, as well as the rest of your employees. See how that goes?

Why? Why are they afraid of you? Let me tell you. It's quite simply really. You made them confuse fear with love. How? Well, you gave bonuses to anyone who loved you, and well, let's face it, you're a rich CEO. You have a private plane I think and you go places, and you dress nice, and you made your board of directors spread this to their families, and well, let's be honest, people think you're actually successful because you made them too afraid to think otherwise. You brilliantly, using your various media weapons, and PR consultants, managed to mixed their fears of you, with fake love, to you. Essentially, they are afraid of not loving you. 

So basically, you effectively ruined any chance of you ever receiving criticism on your, quite frankly, stupid business decisions. You are a stupid CEO too, because something tells me you actually believe you are successful, despite the sucky living situations of almost 90% of those who work in your company. You don't give them enough money, and you give them stupid excesses. You even make them pay OVERPRICE for coffee, and, because they are simple people, or stupid, or simply too afraid of you, they say thank you, and then, curse the living hell out of your board of directors. You taught them hypocrisy, by design, and by code of your unjust "Bi-Laws", that you force feed to everyone, and then, "fire" anyone who opposes them, replacing them with those who will blindly enforce your idiocy, I believe.

You have a lot of amazing employees, who just want to work, and live, and make a decent living for themselves and family. Yes, they know you are an idiot, but what can they do. They have daughters, families, sons, responsibilities, they essentially have to work. Me? I'm single. Yes, my family is well-off, but well, I had a fight with them, not because I'm an idiot, but because I decided that I will not suffer injustice, nor agree with stupid ideologies, simply for their help. It's Ramadan, and I am muslim, who doesn't fast, but my family kept me hungry because they want to teach me a lesson, I think. So, my family, is really dead to me. They suck.

Now, being a single guy with a death wish, not because I want to die, no, really, I want to live, but on my own terms, and not follow your idiocy. You probably have your PR guys, or board of directors, out there ruining my good name. I don't even think I have a good name left, thanks to you, and your board. But that's cool. My God, which I pray to, without using fancy letters and pre-written scripts, told me that if I am patient on injustice, I will be rewarded. So I wait. I wait, and I will continue to hate you. Because you suck.

Now, for you, the other members of this company, replace CEO with king abdallah II, replace coffee with basic essentials, and, board of directors with his government. Finally, replace company with Jordan. In fact, come to think of it, almost all Arab leaders are a replica of Abdallah II. They leave their 90% hungry, and feed their 9% so they can control the 90%, and then, well, the 1% is his own family of course, which I have nothing against personally, because they are, for all intents and purposes, victims, because, well, he's the CEO.

Waah-mo3tasemah. An arabic saying, said to be on the tongue of a friend of the Prophet, Mohammad, may your prayers and mine be upon him. One woman, went hungry in his land, or, I don't know, she was just pissed off I guess, and, well, he came running. 

We live in a Muslim country, and we call ourselves Muslims, and we hate people, we hate freedom of speech, we hate different opinions, and well, we rarely ever help other people just for the sake of helping them. Why? Why do you even bother with going hungry, I ask you? Even the birds, in the age of the Prophet of your religion, used to eat. No one was hungry. The country's bank, or Khazeeneh, was full at some point, with no one asking for anything. They all appreciated what they have. 

Why are you silent? Seriously? Is, this life you're living right now, too precious to lose? What is the real value of life, if you are not free to curse your king, and critique him, because, fucking hell, IT'S HIS COUNTRY, HIS BUSINESS, AND, HE WANTS PEOPLE TO CALL HIM THE BEST KING OF THE WORLD. Why? Why?

You. Its your fault. The people. You are silent. You are afraid. You, are, shitty employees too. 

Scroll down, silent majority AND minority. Fuck you. 

PS: Don't want KFC anymore. 

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