Monday, July 8, 2013

Dear, King, Abdullah II, of Jordan. Meloveyoulongtime!

A letter to the King. Of Jordan. Abduallah, II. May god bless his soul.

Dear King,


Why do you watch and allow your government to screw us over. We are free, you are free. Why do u let the media be controlled, when you, yourself, love freedom of speech?

You, in a recent article, you published, you said, very clearly, that you dislike the "old dinasour way of thought". I loved you for saying that. Screw em, man. They think they need to control everything, when, quite honestly, everything is controlled when we start to become honest. How to do that? Easy, you know more than me, you are the king. 

Take over man, take over. Young people. Most of them anyway. They know the ways of the "internet". They know. 

And, what's up with all the fear recently, bacteria is cool, let's not kill them, they run on the command of the Maker, and everything is based on energy, I guess. Positive = love and good times. Negative? Fear. We should control the media better, and try to have a free speech without fear. Nothing is to be feared I guess, if we truly believe in One maker. 

Also, sup with the petrol, the overtime, the low salaries? I'm out of money man. Arab bank, they suck. They screwed me. Will deal with them my own way, but I want you to know. You are king, so I guess, perhaps they keep u in the dark. 

You guys love me, and I love you. Queen Rania, you are awesome. I think. You should be on Youtube once more. You had it right. With, perhaps, a little less control, less politically correct, and more yourself. The way you talk to your kids, we are all kids deep inside I believe. 

Finally, if I go to prison by your rats, the ones you don't control I believe, they run on their own, they are rats after all, kindly make sure I have enough cigarettes. Don't mind prison, been there twice, it's actually rather "cosy". 

Love you much, but seriously, take over, do things your own way, I know you have it in you. Those who give you information, need 12 year olds to give them information, they lost the way, in my humble opinion. 


PS: Shit, I hit enter.

PPS: I'm literally hungry. If you like me, send me KFC, from the actual restaurant, not from your palace, you guys have expensive food, I love KFC. It's actually awesome. I think.

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